Madam Director – Mindless Obedience JOI

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Duration: 13:17s
Quality: 1920x1080 HD

Today I am going to train you to mindlessly obey. It won’t be as scary as it sounds, because I’m going to train you with something that you enjoy. Because it’s something you enjoy, it’s something that you do often. And because you do it so often, you are probably pretty good at it. Can you guess what I am talking about? Yes. Masturbation. I am going to use your masturbatory compulsion to train you to mindlessly obey me. You can masturbate, but there are conditions. You have to do what I say, when I say, exactly how I say. I’m going to use your masturbation habit to rewire your brain. You’ll see how easy it is to obey as you empty your mind of all thought. You don’t have to think at all. I’m going to tell you exactly what to do. You make a great mindless puppet, and we all know how amazing it feels to be great at something. You can enjoy the amazing feeling of being a good masturbator and a good puppet. While you are under my control, I am going to command you to do something. It is something that you may not want to do. It’s going to be ok. Just empty yourself of self. I will fill you. I will fill your mind with what I choose, and I will fill your body with waste.

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